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Moving Forward

We did a post a couple of days ago called "Moving Backward" which was, well, more than a little depressing. To counteract my depression, ScienceWoman and Alice have decided that Moving Forward will be the theme of the next edition of Scientiae.

They ask:

How are you moving forward in life? Are you close to your degree, tenure, sabbatical, or summer holiday? Is that paper almost ready to go out the door? Is your baby almost potty trained or are you training for a marathon?

What keeps you moving forward in your science, work, and life? Is it the drive to cure a disease, make the world a more sustainable piece, or discover something that no one else knows? Is it the promise of exciting data at the end of a long assay? Is it the thought of people calling you Dr.? Is it your daughter's smile when she wakes up in the morning, or the enthusiastic tail wagging of your dog? When things get tough, how do you motivate yourself to move forward?

Hmmm this is a good one. Thanks ScienceWoman and Alice

PS We need to get our posts in by May 30.