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Have you read the Microsoft STEM survey?

The findings are not that surprising but they are still interesting and they did a nice job presenting the data.:

More than half (57%) of STEM college students say that, before going to college, a teacher or class got them interested in STEM. This is especially true of female students (68% vs. 51% males), who give “a teacher or class” as the top factor that sparked their interest.

Only 1 in 5 STEM college students feel that their K–12 education prepared them extremely well for their college courses in STEM.

Students who felt less prepared for STEM college courses said that offering more STEM courses and having better/more challenging courses would have helped to better prepare them — and for students who felt extremely/very well-prepared, it was the challenging, college-prep courses that helped to prepare them.

Females in STEM are more likely than males to say they were extremely/very well-prepared (64% vs. 49%) by their K–12 education, and they are slightly more likely than their male counterparts to say that preparing students for STEM should be a top priority in K–12 schools (92% vs. 84%).