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Girls Gone Activist!

Thanks to Youth Today I just learned about a lovely guide, in English and French, written by kids to show other kids "how to change the world through education." The authors of "Girls Gone Activist!: Les Filles Deviennent Des Activistes!" are girls from the United States and Mali who are working together to well change the world through education. The colorful guide has seven chapters covering such topics as forming a core group, spreading awareness, building supports and raising money and my personal favorite, persuading powerful people.

The guide is a product of School Girls Unite . Their mission is to tackle prejudice against girls and expand their freedom and opportunities through education. Their goals are:
# To be leaders right now and advocate at the national and international levels to educate every girl in the world.
# To give individual girls in Mali the opportunity to get an education right now by providing scholarships.

I love that they are working to change the world on multiple levels and are inspired by Confucius "If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for 10 years, plant trees. If your plan is for 100 years, educate children—especially girls."

Thanks girls, you made my day.

PS If you want to download the guide for free do it soon. The website says you will be able to download the guide for a "Limited time only!"