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The Montreal Massacre: The Movie

Each December 6th, along with many other women in science blogs, especially Alice at Sciencewomen, we at FairerScience remember the 14 women engineering students at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec. who were killed because they were women in engineering.

It is a horrible story and a sad day. In Canada, the day of the killings, December 6th, became the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. And now there is a movie about the killings. Polytechnique. opens today in Quebec.

I don't know how I feel about that and it turns out I'm not alone.. The women and the story should not be forgotten; but is a movie the best way to do that? I just don't know. I don't even know if I can bear to go to see the movie.

Sylvie Haviernick, whose younger sister, Maud, was killed at the Polytechnique.said:

"It's not an entertaining subject. But since when do films have to entertain us?" When they make movies about the Holocaust, it is meant to be entertaining? "History's great wars, tragic events like 9/11 - you don't stop directors and creators from taking them on."

Maybe I will go see it.


I had never heard of this tragedy. Thank you for sharing and educating me.

The trailer for this is difficult to watch. I wrote about it here

BUT I really think it is important that this movie was made, and I hope to see it.

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