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Being My Own Role Model

Liberal Arts Lady asked us to write about "Role Models of Women Making History" for this month's Scientiae Carnival I know how much I depend on so many women (and men) for inspiration, motivation, perspiration (or at least the work that caused the perspiration) and getting me through the day (thank you Kathryn, Tom, Mort, Seth, Pamela, Laurie, Danika, Toni, Jane, Shirley, Yolanda, Susan, Jenn, Peter, Ellen and all the rest of you to whom I will have to apologize forever for leaving you out).

But I am not writing about any of you today because Tom and I are in Puerto Rico taking a couple of days just for ourselves. Yup I'm being my own role model and accepting and acting on the idea that sometimes you just need a break in between making and remaking history. Please let me be your role model too

That said I'm going back to swim in the ocean and go down the water slide (again)!