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Toward a better more equitable world

Yesterday I posted the following at Scientiae about hosting this month's Carnival:

What do you think a better, more equitable society should look like? What are your dreams for your life? For the lives of others? How close are you to living the life of your dreams? What would make you able to live that life?

It's 2009 – a year of hope and change and the next Scientiae Carnival is about hope and change—the hopes we have and the changes we would like. I've been reading ScienceWoman, Dr. Isis and even the 1841 Lowell Offering and their ideas have really gotten me thinking. Our dreams as to what society can and should be may not happen; but if we don't dream it, it surely won't happen. My hope is that the Carnival will get us all into the discussion, help us learn from each other and move us forward. Please tell us your dreams.

And today I read at Think Progress that the language of US House of Representatives has become gender neutral.

In its new package of rule changes, the House has finally decided to make its official language gender neutral, recognizing the growing representation of women in Congress (including as Speaker of the House). Gone are references to “he,” “chairman,” and phrases such as “his duties.”

Yes it's a small step, but hey it's a step!


I can't wait for the February Scientiae! I know you will do a fantastic job!

It still is a step and a good one. It is a small one, but it always starts somewhere!

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