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Bloggers, Swag and North Carolina in January: What could be better?

What are you doing January 19th? If you don't have any plans, I have an idea.

Come to North Carolina and the the second annual Science Blogging Conference. There is a lot going on. For those who want to get started blogging or get one-on-one tutoring, there are pre-conference blogging skills sessions on Friday; for those who want to observe science in action, there are tours of local science labs and that is before the conference even starts.

The conference itself has a lot of interesting sessions including "Open Science: how the Web is changing the way science is done, written and published" and "Changing Minds through Science Communication: a panel on Framing Science". And oh yes. Zuska asked me to be on her panel, "Gender and Race in science: online and offline."

This is going to be my first unconference. The idea for an unconference, Dave Winer explained "came while sitting in the audience of a panel discussion at a conference, waiting for someone to say something intelligent, or not self-serving, or not mind-numbingly boring. The idea came while listening to someone drone endlessly through PowerPoint slides, nodding off, or (in later years) checking email, or posting something to my blog, wondering if it had to be so mind-numbingly boring."

Since that is a conference experience we have all had too many times, I'm really looking forward to the unconference.

By the way, I don't know how these folks do it but the conference is free, they feed you and give you swag and they found a hotel with wireless and a pool for $72. Hope you can join us.


I would like to volunteer and would likt to go with group dinner on Friday. My degree is in Geology and active as Professional Geologist. What can I do to help?

Waiting for your reply.

Evelyn (and everyone else who would like to help). Anton Zuiker & Bora Zivkovic are the organizers and you can reach them at info@scienceblogging.com

Will you come to the third one?

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