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The Weekly Reader is Ig Nobel

The Weekly Reader is Ig Nobel

I love the Ig Nobel awards. When Science Friday has a program on them I listen and one of these days I'll go see them in person. So I was really pleased to find out that the Weekly Reader likes them too. You remember the Weekly Reader, it was the little newspaper you got in elementary school, well weekly. Anyway their January supplement, Science Spin, focused on the Ig Nobel awards. For those of you who don't know the Ig Nobel awards, they are wacky, funny results of scientific research; a perfect way to interest kids in science.

Unfortunately Weekly Reader doesn't seem that interested in getting all kids involved in science. There are seven pictures of people in the Science Spin, all are white. Five are male including three scientists, and two boys responding to what the scientists are doing. The two women- well one represents humans in a list that includes elephants, mice and bats and the other is an elderly woman with an outsized ear trumpet, funny looking glasses and a confused expression on her face. Well at least the sample of Nobel and Ig Nobel prize winners included was a little more diverse.

Weekly Reader you should be an ally in the effort to get to FairerScience not an enemy!


PS There is no link to the January, 2007 Science Spin in the entry because I can't find it anywhere on the web. I do, however, have the paper copy next to my laptop as I type this and will be happy to send it on to any disbelievers

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